Freelance Attorneys Learn to Blog Better with Cari Twitchell

Cari Twitchell

Photo Credit: Bethany Meister.

Do you like our blog?  Well, it’s about to get even better—thanks to Cari Twitchell, a writer, editor and law-trained content-marketing strategist.

Cari joined us for lunch to share her tips and tricks, based on years of writing content.  Her presentation covered blogging basics:  getting started, choosing a strategy, finding topics that will get noticed, making use of keywords, imagery, and mobile-responsive design, and connecting with social media.  If you blog, or are thinking about it, I heartily recommend connecting with Cari and learning more about her technique.

A few highlights, useful to both freelance lawyers and the lawyers who hire them:

  • Posts should be as long as needed to make the point (at least 250-300 words), but not longer—a blog reader’s attention span maxes out at about 7 minutes (about 1600 words).
  • Choose topics wisely.  Find out what your audience is searching for, especially the words they use to find it (the magic “keywords”)—then sprinkle those words throughout your post so search engines will recognize your post may have the answer.
  • Include hyperlinks (Cari recommends 2 to 4 links per post, starting in the first paragraph) and mobile-responsive contact information (for example, a bio with a phone number that allows a viewer to place a call by simply touching the screen).
  • Be easy on the reader’s eyes.  Bullet points, numbered lists, and white space are all good.  Bold and italics don’t show up well on the screen.  Visual images are always a plus, but of course, use only with permission and attribution.
  • Share posts on social media as long as they’re relevant.  We still get asked about some of our earliest posts—what is a freelance attorney , how we get paid, and what the ethics rules say about hiring us.  If people still want to know, it’s okay to share.

I’ve been blogging for more than a year, and I thought Cari’s presentation was really helpful to take my posts to the next level (watch this space for more!).  We at MFAN are grateful to have a year’s worth of terrific content from our volunteer bloggers; we’ll be doing more to share that content with you on a regular basis, and to make it even easier to find when you visit our website.

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Karin has been a litigator at Debevoise & Plimpton; a law clerk to three Minnesota federal judges; a legal writing teacher at NYU Law, William Mitchell College of Law, and the University of Minnesota Law School; and a sole practitioner and freelancer in Minnesota…

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